The Company increased its paid-up capital by issuing 5,000,000 shares for offer to the public on December 12, 2005, and issued an additional 500,000 shares for allocation to a third party on December 27, 2005 (details below). The entire amount procured through this capital increase — approximately 4 billion yen — will be appropriated for the expansion of an LNG terminal (specifically, the construction a third LNG storage tank).

1. Public share offering
(1)The number of new shares issued
5,000,000 shares of
common stock
(2) Issued price
798 yen per share
(3) Issued value
760.96 yen per share
(4) The amount of issued value not capitalized
379.96 yen per share
(5) Due date for payment
December 12, 2005

2. Allocation of new shares to a third party
(1) The number of new shares issued
500,000 shares of common stock
(2) Issued value
760.96 yen per share
(3) The amount of issued value not capitalized
379.96 yen per share
(4) Due date for payment
December 27, 2005

3. Paid-up capital and issued shares after the capital increase
6,279,147,500 yen
Issued shares