On September 22, Shizuoka Gas Company filed an application with the regional office of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for permission to amend the tariff applicable to the Company’s “small-lot” customers. Effective January 1, 2005, the tariff would be 5.21% lower. This reflects the completion of conversion of all of our customers to natural gas — which required extra expenditure — as well as our successful measures to reduce overall costs and increase sales.
The previous amendment of our tariff was in September 2002 — a 10.18% reduction for the same group of “small-lot” customers. Tariffs for all other customers are deregulated, and are determined through negotiation.
The previous amendment of our tariff was in September 2002 — a 10.18% reduction for the same group of “small-lot” customers. Tariffs for all other customers are deregulated, and are determined through negotiation.