Shizuoka Gas seeks to provide shareholders and investors with fair, timely, and prompt information disclosures. We disclose information required by all relevant laws and regulations, as well as a wide range of management and other investor relations information to help shareholders, investors, and the general public understand our business activities better.
Active Investor Relations Program
Shizuoka Gas seeks to be a highly transparent company that clearly articulates management strategies and business policies to the markets (shareholders, investors, securities analysts). We strive to provide more and better opportunities for our top managers to speak with the markets directly through briefings on earnings and management strategy.
We also endeavor to use our investor relations web site as a tool for articulating our business achievements, financial status, management strategy, and vision in a fair and easily understood manner.
Notes on Performance Forecasts and Future Projections
All performance forecasts, plans, outlooks, strategies, and other statement that are not historical facts published by Shizuoka Gas constitute forward-looking statements that reflect the judgments of management based on information available at the time. Actual performance may differ substantially from these forward-looking statements due to a range of factors. These factors include trends in the Japanese economy, foreign exchange and crude oil market fluctuations, and unforeseen weather phenomena.
Using Our Investor Relations Website
The purpose of this website is to help you understand more about Shizuoka Gas. This website is not a solicitation for investment. You are entirely responsible for your own investment decisions.
Quiet Period
The two-week period prior to an earnings announcement is a so-called quiet period. We will refrain from commenting on or answering questions regarding earnings results during this period to avoid the improper disclosure of information.